Working Together

The Process
1- Nutrition

Your nutrition guide will be uploaded onto your portal via The Viking Coach App for simple access.Every nutritional guide I create is tailored to the clients requirements to work around their lifestyle. The plan outlines foods to include in your diet, along with a detailed guide and lots of tips to get you started.

2- Training

The way your training plan will be set completely depends on your goals and previous training experience. I've coached a wide range of people from complete beginners to athletes. Whatever your current level, I'll guide you through your training using The Viking Coach App to ensure the results come fast and safely.

3- Support

You're not just with me for the session or online checkin. For as long as we're working together you'll have 24-hour support via WhatsApp or via The Viking Coach App. If you have any questions at any time, please don't hesitate to contact me.

4- Consistent Monitoring

Your check in form will be scheduled on an agreed day each week for you on your portal within the app. 

Depending on your fitness goals, we will check in on either a weekly or fortnightly basis. This will include a review of your nutrition and training for that week, setting goals for the following week, feedback on how I can improve your coaching experience. We can either do this via Whats App or a video call.

5- Technique

A full exercise library and a record function which enables you to upload your own technique videos for me to check means you never have to be unsure if you're performing an exercise correctly or not. 

Experienced user or not, there's always room for improvement with form. Good form promotes healthy muscle growth and prevents injury. Light weights will be used to start with to get your form perfect on every exercise before progressing to heavier weights.

6- Results

Go to the results page and see for yourself.

Get Viking Strong!